Saturday, February 11, 2012

Stainer's finger substituions

I have not been practicing the Stainer finger substitutions enough when I sit down on the organ so I just photocopied the one page so I can also work on them on my piano. Hopefully that will help.

More Songs to work on

After much looking about, I finally acquired a copy of "Veradero" a fast song recorded by George Wright and since by several others on the organ. Also, after much digging I finally found a collection of music which contains "Powerhouse" by Raymond Scott. It was in a Looney Tunes collection of music which has other songs, that by their titles, also sound interesting. This week I also continued working on the chords for an arrangement of "Dance of the Blue Marionettes" which was recorded by Sidney Torch. I always have things to work on. When Powerhouse comes that will require a lot of practice.. .it is a frantically fast piece.